Friday 5 June 2009

Mail Chimp Marketing for Etsians

Hi!  PinkieKinch here.  

I've been away for a few days in the Cotswolds and West Sussex seeing friends and family.  We had a really lovely time and our little dog Jacob was very patient, even in the HOT weather.  We got back yesterday afternoon and he took to our bed from then on.  I think he was a little shaken with all the motor way traveling in our little red postman pat van ( Vauxhall Agilia).   Anyway, i've just been having a little tinker and on the tinternet and found a very interesting article from MailChimp regarding linking up your Etsy account to a Mail List through Mail Chimp.    It sounds excellent.  Have a go and let us know how you get on.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Pinkie - Welcome back! Sounds like you've had a lovely time; if it's any consolation, my two cats are lounging about as flat as anything because of the heat - they've taken to hogging the fan!

    Oo! This is so nifty! I'm definitely going to try it later on...
