Hello everyone..I'ts HollieLollie
I am a mother of a gorgeous little girl and boy living in Bridgend. I am a trained teacher and have taught in primary schools for many years...recently 'retiring' ; ) to spend more quality time with Sam and Hollie(Lollie).
I have always loved anything to do with art, design and craft but with the arrival of my two little monkeys have had very little spare time to divulge in anything creative.
.....but the time has come for my youngest to start school part time and although the house is far toooooooo quiet and I feel as if I have a missing limb!!!! I have suddenly found time and rediscovered how much I love and enjoy designing and creating.
I have thoroughly enjoyed setti
ng up my shop HollieLollie in Etsy and am thrilled to have been included in a treasury...fingers crossed for a front page one day! ; )
I am soooooooo excited to be a part of team Wales and am looking forward to getting to know everyone
Clare ♥ x ♥ x ♥

Absolutely beautiful!